Saturday, August 10, 2024



Upon becoming a citizen of the United States, I knew I would earn the right to vote - that right I cherish. Especially now, considering that some 73% of Americans believe that the country is on the wrong track (Mehlman Consulting). My vote might just make the difference to stem this downward trend.


Agreed, the political climate is toxic. However, that toxicity is mainly because of the personalities in the presidential race, rather than the issues at stake. To ignore the issues and focus almost exclusively on leadership personality traits is a distraction.


I believe I can make a difference, and I intend to do so on Tuesday, November 05. As I prayerfully prepare myself to vote, I know that I cannot limit my thinking to the two presidential candidates. As far as I am concerned, both candidates have flaws. To date, the variety of salacious disclosures will make it very difficult for either candidate to lead with untarnished confidence.  


I understand that according to the media consortium exit poll, “evangelicals make up an average of 25.4% of the electorate in the past ten election cycles going back 20 years.” However, many Evangelicals do not vote. About 30% are not registered to vote, and of those evangelical registered to vote, 40% do not vote. Studies show that if roughly 5% more evangelicals vote, there can be major changes in the 2024 local, state and federal elections.


Separate and apart from the outcome, I believe I have a duty to vote. Firstly, as a Christian, and secondly as a citizen. Jesus calls me salt and light. When he said this in his Sermon on the Mount, he was informing me that I am expected to make a difference in my community. As salt, I can preserve and bring flavor. As light, I can dispel darkness and provide hope.


In their letters, Paul and Peter contend that governance was ordained by God, and we must submit to governing authorities. We must pay taxes to support governing authorities. We must show respect, give honor and pray for those in authority (Romans 13:1-7 & 1 Peter 2:13-17). This is an invitation to engage in civil affairs.


My faith defines me, and the Bill of Rights protects my right to practice my faith. I want to live according to the dictates of my conscience. I have no problem living in a religiously diverse culture. I want to be sure that all faith-based institutions are protected from government discrimination. Whichever party protects these rights will get my vote.


The Bible calls on governing authorities to protect and promote. Protection involves restraining evil by punishing evildoers. Promoting peace and orderly conduct by rewarding good behaviour. Governments should establish systems and institutions to ensure protection, especially for the less fortunate and voice-less. Such governance is for the common good of society.


The biblical prophets are consistent and adamant in their condemnation of injustice to the poor, and frequently follow their statements by requiring the government to act justly. That prophetic expectation did not apply only to the kings of Israel but was also extended to the kings of neighbouring lands and peoples. Jeremiah, speaking of King Josiah, said, "He defended the cause of the poor and needy, and so all went well" (Jeremiah 22:16). Whichever party respects my worldview, gets my vote.


The institution of marriage, defined as a union between a man and a woman, has served every culture for millennia. Both social scientists and theologians will agree that “the institution of marriage is the relationship that best provides for the most favorable exercise of human sexuality, the overall well-being of adults, and the proper socialization of children.” Agreed, other familial relationships meet similar needs. However, lifelong, monogamous marriage is the best option. I am eager to vote for a party that shares my passion.


When my family and I came to this country 33 years ago, our privileges were limited by our overseas student visas. I was determined to live within the immigration limits placed on us. I had a moral obligation to model to my children that we were a law-abiding family. In addition, I had a biblical obligation to display consistency in all areas of my life. We were deprived of luxuries, but maintained our integrity.


I want other immigrants to have a similar appreciation for the laws of the land. It was good to hear the officer say at my citizenship interview, “We are sorry it took so long, but welcome to America.” I plan to vote for a party that respects the process of law and order when it comes to immigration. Everyone wins when we play clean. You now know why I intend to vote on November 05.




Clyde said...

This is quite a provocative post and one that will bring sharp responses from either side. I intend to vote as well but the dilemma facing evangelicals are the choice for President, and the issues that each party stands for. Currently the party nominees strongly influence the issues. The big ticket issues are abortion and border security. Caught in the middle is the Constitution and how it’s interpreted by the Supreme Court. So the SCOTUS overturned Roe vs Wade and SCOTUS grants presidential immunity for official acts. SCOTUS it was that interpreted the constitution and passed the law that marriage includes same-sex marriage. No one party presents a package of policies and worldview that comes close to my biblical worldview and so do we do the backpedal like they do in high jump competition or what? So with less than 90 days leading up to the election we are praying for divine guidance. And while we do so, we pray for the two flawed characters who are hoping to get the key to the White House that God will confront them with the challenge to do God’s will.

Anonymous said...

There are defining moments that either confirm or change one's perspective on the Politics of a land

Growing up as a boy I remember my next door neighbor screaming the day that Robert Kennedy was assassinated

It appears that this assassination and that of JFK Galvanized much support among St Lucian's and Caribbean people generally

These political sentiments for the Democrats reminded with me until Barack Obama appeared. The day he signed legislation allowing homosexuals to get married, it signalling a moral and sentimental shift for me

Since then things have become progressively worse and the UNIED STATES is hardly recognized as the country it used to be

The insanity in the country is both alarming and dumbfounding and only GOD can raise the Right man to return this country to a semblance of SANITY; I believe this man is Donald Trump'

Let me make it clear; I neither support Parties nor Politicians; I support POLICES

Anonymous said...

Gerry Gallimore: Thank you, David, for another important blog. As usual – insightful, instructive and very relevant. I sincerely hope that many will be encouraged to register and to vote in the upcoming elections. We will need divine direction to determine the better of the flawed choices. I am convinced, however, that our upcoming elections are too important to be left entirely to the ungodly and the non-Christian. I join with you in encouraging every evangelical to be a part of the 'salt and light' of this country,

Anonymous said...

Trump is far from Christian. However, it's hard to think that any Christian would vote democratic today. God help us.

Anonymous said...

How can anyone who is a Christian, and in their right mind vote for Mr. Trump?

Anonymous said...

As an Independent and more importantly a follower of Jesus Christ I can say that when it comes to who I will vote for I look at the majors and the minors, taking God out of our schools promoting the murder of the unborn, same sex marriage and gender identity of children are extremely serious! Like Dr Corbin said these are 2 flawed individuals no doubt.God did in fact use a pagan king named Cyrus to allow his people to rebuild the temple. I will vote biblically correct not politically correct, my identity will not be on a man sitting in the Whitehouse but on one that will come back on a white horse not the wings of air force one. God Bless all of us!

Ted Weitzel said...

David, as usual you did a very good job of laying out the position of where we are today. As a strong supporter of Israel and the unborn I could never vote for the Democrat positions. In my opinion the Republicans' values are closer to my own.

Anonymous said...

Good article. The scripture references definitely highlighted the deficiency of both political parties. Sin is sin. So, Christians can and should exercise their rights to vote for their conscience regardless of political affiliations,