Tuesday, May 28, 2024



Following recent presentations on techniques and technologies in sermon preparation, this was one of the more prominent questions that surfaced among participants: “Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) replace the Holy Spirit?” Before answering the question directly, there are a few other questions that should be answered first.

For instance, what is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial Intelligence refers to the simulation (imitation) of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think, learn, and perform tasks that typically require human cognitive (reasoning) functions. A subset of AI focuses on the development of algorithms (procedures) that allow machines to learn from and make decisions based on data.

The term “artificial” implies that information produced may be factual, but it is not natural. Answers produced are dependent on data provided by many human sources. The AI technology has the ability to search the data from human sources and provide answers that are artificially intelligent.

AI can greatly assist with research in sermon preparation. The technology can analyze biblical texts, provide insightful overviews, historical contexts and cross-references. AI can identify and expand on themes, pulling from theological databases, commentaries and other resources. Furthermore, AI can draft sermon outlines and even write full sermons, based on specific inputs and themes provided by the preacher.

AI can help refine the language, ensuring clarity and coherence. The technology can adjust the tone and style to match the intended audience and setting, whether formal, conversational or inspirational. AI can even suggest relevant stories, parables, illustrations and find appropriate quotations from a variety of sources to enhance a sermon.

AI can bring organizational structure to a sermon. This helps to bring clarity, a logical flow of points and even add appropriate conclusions. Imagine, AI can ensure that accurate and relevant scriptural references are included to support the sermon.

However, when it comes to sermon delivery, AI strengths begin to diminish. The technology lacks the ability to use body language, facial expressions, and make eye contact. In addition, it cannot genuinely convey emotions, passion, or empathy, which are essential for engaging an audience and creating a spiritual connection. In addition, AI cannot respond dynamically to audience reactions, questions or feedback during a live delivery. It also lacks the flexibility to adjust a sermon in real-time, based on the congregation’s response or the flow of the service.

The presence of the Holy Spirit elicits a sense of awe or mystery in a service. AI cannot produce that aura of the Lord’s presence. Religious scholars refer to this as the numinous, or the supernatural awareness in a gathering of believers.

Agreed, AI can significantly assist in the preparation of a sermon by providing research, drafting content and organizing resources, but the delivery of a sermon involves spiritual and emotional elements that AI cannot replicate. Effective preaching requires emotional intelligence, personal connection and spiritual authority. These are beyond the capabilities of artificial intelligence.

AI should therefore be seen as a powerful tool to assist preachers rather than a replacement for the Holy Spirit and the human emotions in sermon preparation and delivery. The Holy Spirit convicts listeners of sin and righteousness. AI cannot replicate conviction nor the preacher’s passion to deliver a message from God.

When compared with human abilities, there are many things AI (Chat GPT) is unable to do. AI cannot understand information in the way humans do. It lacks the ability to comprehend context, nuances and subtleties beyond its training data. AI systems do not possess consciousness, self-awareness, emotions or subjective experiences. They cannot reflect on their actions or have personal experiences.

While AI can generate new ideas or content, it lacks genuine creativity and the ability to think outside predefined boundaries. Especially in the area of problem-solving, or issues that require intuition and emotional insight, AI is unable to replicate. Neither can it make groundbreaking discoveries without human input.

As a preacher, I often use artificial intelligence in the same way as I use books. AI assists me with generating content. It provides me with information I request. It often affirms my findings from preaching texts. But my inspiration and passion do not come from AI. It is the Spirit of God who convicts me about the directions my sermons should take. It is the Holy Spirit who gives me insight and feelings of compassion for listeners. It is the Holy Spirit who first breaks me in my study before I invite response from broken listeners in their pews.


Brendan Bain said...

Hello David. Thank you for writing about this subject. I agree that the fear of AI needs to be addressed and allayed. I hope that others will write on this theme as well.

Anonymous said...

Pastor David, thank you for your clear, coherent & concise communication on the most recent popular abbreviations bruited about the airway!

May the Lord continue to sharpen your skills for godly passion to illuminate enquiring minds with the power of the Holy Spirit.

Habakkuk 2:14

F. Claude Ashby. said...

Many thanks, Dr Corbin. Very enlightening, and also timely warnings.

Anonymous said...

Very insightful and enlightening. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

The LORD JESUS told HIS disciples " ye shall receive POWER after the HOLY SPIRIT is Come upon you...". This is the PRIMARY SOURCE OF POWER to the Believer through direct REVELATION from the HOLY SPIRIT. The SPIRIT OF GOD used the WORD OF GOD for direct REVELATION.
It Pleases the HOLY SPIRIT to use PREACHERS and TEACHERS of the WORD, as well as books and other printed material to grant Revelation to GOD'S People.

The Apostles of Old, as well as those who followed them did not have the material that is available to us today, yet they turned the world UPSIDE DOWN; the Apostle reminds us that the KINGDOM OF GOD is not in word but in POWER.
After the death of Abraham, the Philistines blocked the well he had dug; but when Issac came to years, he unblocked all the wells and called them by the same name his father had called them: they is a grave and present danger of using modern methods to replace or replicate the POWER OF GOD'S SPIRIT


Anonymous said...

Amen and Amen

Anonymous said...

Thank you Pastor David for this article. I will certainly will be sharing it with others.

Ted Weitzel said...

Very interesting David...I agree with you AI will not replace experience gained for good delivery. Ted