Monday, December 30, 2013

I Agree With President Obama

A few days ago comedian Steve Harvey and President Obama had a non-political interview at the White House. It was refreshing to see the President in a non-combative mood.

In discussing his family, the President said he trusts his daughters to have good judgment when it comes to men. “What I’ve told them before is, as long as that young man is showing you respect, and is kind to you, then I’m not going to be hovering over every second. But, I’m counting on you to have the self-respect to make sure that anybody who you’re going out with comes correct. And hopefully they’ve seen how I treat Michelle.”

Mr. President, I strongly agree with you. Actually, I am so much more sensitive to the President’s desire for his daughters as I write this commentary from the home of my daughter in Nashville, hundreds of miles away from my home. My wife and I feel so honored to be hosted by a young woman who we love, very much like the President loves his own daughters, Malia (15 years old) and Sasha (12).

The President’s desire to want the very best for his daughters is most evident. He is concerned about their security. In the interview with Harvey, he quipped that he ran for a second term partly to keep his teenage daughters under constant supervision. “I’ve got men with guns following them around all the time. Hey, this is the main reason I ran for re-election - you know I’m gonna have ‘em covered for most of high school.”

In addition, the President would hope that any suitors would have “seen how I treat Michelle.” The President believes he models a loving relationship before his daughters. Actually, one of the best gifts we as parents can give to our children is the display of a loving relationship. 

When parents spend time with each other, nurturing their relationship, resolving conflicts, investing in one another in practical ways, and enjoying one another, children see that they truly love and value one another. This security will increase the peace and joy in the home.

In this and in previous interviews, President Obama naturally refers to potential suitors for his daughters as “young men who show respect and kindness.” Here again, the President must be congratulated on his desire to see his daughters engage in relationships that are natural and are best for their development. 

In expressing his desire for what’s best for his daughters, the President was expressing a sensitivity to issues of gender. One’s gender identity is the sense of one’s self as male or female. Gender role refers to the behaviors and desires to act in certain ways that are viewed as masculine and feminine in a particular culture. His position is consistent with history, with nature and science. 

The President’s desire for what is best for his daughters is not readily accepted by some social scientists in today’s culture. Such scholars believe our culture labels behaviors as masculine and feminine, “but these behaviors are not necessarily a direct component of gender or gender identity.” 

For me, gender and the accompanying behaviors are not determined by society. Gender is a biological, not a sociological construct. The President spoke with logical clarity, so unlike the ambiguity that’s apparent in gender experiments. Under the guise of accommodating bisexualism, some in our culture are confused and vacillate in affirming their own masculinity or femininity. I believe Malia and Sasha are in good hands if their parents continue to expect behaviors that are consistent with their femininity. 

The President is correct to want heterosexual relationships for his daughters. Such relationships have always been about bringing men and women together in permanent, exclusive domestic and sexual relationships. 

In their volume, Marriage on Trial, Stanton and Maier make the point: “No human society-not one-has ever embraced homosexual marriage. It is not a part of the tradition of any human culture” (page 22). Such unions have never been regarded as a normal, morally equal part of any society. Non heterosexual unions have been tolerated in some cultures, however, it is historically accurate to say that they have never been taken to be morally equivalent to natural marriage.

So, the President is on the right side of history to want natural relationships for his daughters. The President’s desire for his daughters is seeking to regulate sexuality, bringing gender balance to their relationships and offspring. This arrangement is consistent with the biblical position on family. Different genders allow for complementarity, a critical and historically proven component of healthy families.


Unknown said...

I watched and truly enjoyed this candid interview with Steve Harvey and the President and was really impressed by his apparent love for his daughters. It is indeed clear that President Obama and First Lady Michele are great role models for their daughters and the public at large.
I totally enjoyed your commentary Dr. Corbin, you have not only embraced the President's great family values but you have effectively opened my eyes to other perspectives as it relates to gender and traditional unions.
Great interview and even better an excellent and well written commentary.


Anonymous said...

This is a great article as I had no idea the president had any biblical values.

Bill Short

Robin Osborne said...

In my praying for the President, I am perhaps guilty of not praying sufficiently for authoritative and eloquent articulation of his personal values regarding proper and natural society-sustaining and God-decreed norms for the family and for society. His Presidential position on accommodation of the demands from the parts of the community that clamour for "equality" would be well balanced if his personal values were more prominently (but sensitively) expressed to indicate that his executive position is not necessarily in harmony with his personal values (1 Timothy 2:1-4).
Thank you, Dr. Corbin for a relevant and pointed commentary on an important moral and spiritual debate.
Robin Osborne

audey mclean said...

Well spoken Dr. David. I join Robin in her prayer for the President and the First Lady. My wife and I Pray regularly that the Christian profession he makes will show more prominently in his public life, despite the demands for political correctness. We know of a Campus Crusade For Christ leader who attended high school with "Barry" and who had the opportunity to attend one of the President's fund raisers, at which event , then candidate Obama reassured the CCC leader that he still had and read daily, the Bible he received from the CCC leader's mother while they were in school together. Let's support him with our prayers.
Audley McLean, Ocala, FL

Rodney Brown said...

Interesting commentary as usual Dr. Corbin, and equally interesting comments by Dr. Osborne and the others. Although I pray for the politicians in accordance with the text referenced by Dr. Brother Robin Osborne (forgive the titles Uncle Robin) ... I acknowledge that the required result is that we live a peaceable life... I am not so confident that we would ever get consistency from them. However it is noteworthy that he expects his daughters to get into a relationship with "young men" ...

Anonymous said...

Strange interview, as the President is reported as saying that his change in support of homosexuality and same-sex marriage was guided by his daughters' views, as they interacted with friends who had 2 mothers or 2 fathers.There should therefore be no surprise if they view their sexual orientation as fluid and based on "choice" and not "biology".