Monday, October 15, 2012

Marriage & Politics

Both the Bible and science confirm that traditional marriage is good for society. Overall, men and women who are married live longer. Science finds that being married tends to motivate people to increase healthy behaviors, habits and attitudes.

In her book, The Case for Marriage, Professor Linda Waite states, “The evidence from four decades of research is surprisingly clear – a good marriage is both men’s and women’s best bet for living a long and healthy life.”

Dr. Robert Coombs of the University of California reviewed more than 130 studies published over the past 100 years on how marriage affects well-being. He found “an intimate link between marital status and personal well-being.” His findings which were disclosed in the journal, Family Relations (40 [1991]: 97-102), went on to say: “Virtually every study of mortality and marital status shows the unmarried of both sexes have higher death rates, whether by accident, disease, or self-inflicted wounds, and this is found in every country that maintains accurate health statistics.”

In essence, science has come around to confirm what the Bible has always contended, “It is not good for the man to be alone” (Genesis 2:18). For Christians therefore, traditional marriage matters because it is biblically and scientifically valid. It is for this reason Christians seek to advance this view within society – traditional marriage is different from other relationships and is beneficial to families and the society at large.

Because politics is interested in the management of social structures, it would seem reasonable to ask where our politicians stand on this vital subject of marriage and family. In an attempt to obtain credible responses, I resorted to the platforms/manifestos of both major political parties – a party platform is a list of the actions which a political party supports with the view of making policies.

For instance, on the subject of same-sex marriage, The Republican Platform states: “The institution of marriage is the foundation of civil society. Its success as an institution will determine our success as a nation. It has been proven by both experience and endless social science studies that traditional marriage is best for children. Children raised in intact married families are more likely to attend college, are physically and emotionally healthier, are less likely to use drugs or alcohol, engage in crime, or get pregnant outside of marriage.

The success of marriage directly impacts the economic well-being of individuals. Furthermore, the future of marriage affects freedom. The lack of family formation not only leads to more government costs, but also to more government control over the lives of its citizens in all aspects. We recognize and honor the courageous efforts of those who bear the many burdens of parenting alone, even as we believe that marriage, the union of one man and one woman must be upheld as the national standard, a goal to stand for, encourage, and promote through laws governing marriage. We embrace the principle that all Americans should be treated with respect and dignity.”

On the same subject, the Democratic Platform states: “We support the right of all families to have equal respect, responsibilities, and protections under the law. We support marriage equality and support the movement to secure equal treatment under law for same-sex couples. We also support the freedom of churches and religious entities to decide how to administer marriage as a religious sacrament without government interference…We support the full repeal of the so-called Defense of Marriage Act and the passage of the Respect for Marriage Act.

It's time we stop just talking about family values and start pursuing policies that truly value families. The President and Democrats have cut taxes for every working American family, and expanded the Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit… We support passing the Healthy Families Act, broadening the Family and Medical Leave Act, and partnering with states to move toward paid leave.

We have invested in expanding and reforming Head Start and grants to states to raise standards and improve instruction in their early learning programs, and we support expanding the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit. We must protect our most vulnerable children by supporting our foster care system, adoption programs for all caring parents, grandparents, and caregivers, and protecting children from violence and neglect. We recognize that caring for family members and managing a household is real and valuable work.”

Both political parties recognize the value of the traditional family. However, one party believes other forms of the family should be afforded the same respect and legal privileges extended to the traditional family. Christians need to recognize the differences and support the party that best represents your worldview.


Anonymous said...

Good for you David. A clever way to process a decision. Any Christian who votes for the party that has a non Biblical view is , in my opinion, sinning against his/her Lord. Ted Seymour

Anonymous said...

Wow! The Republican Party's platform states that it supports traditional marriage, therefore its worldview is Biblical. Why not go the full circle and declare God a Republican. Have you read the entire platform? Does it demonstrate any care for the poor (Prov.29:7)? By the way,according to the Scriptures, what should we do with those who do not share our worldview? Do you really want to live under a theocratic government run by the Repulicans? The only theocratic government I am prepared to live under is the one to be set up by Jesus Christ. Glenroy H. Prince

DaunaCor said...

This week's column is on Marriage and Politics, not on poverty. Readers are entitled to their opinion based on the topic under discussion. The question is simple - does one party present a position on marriage that I consider more consistent with my Christian worldview? To stand with that party is not to side with a theocratic government. America had the choice of theocracy and the Founders chose a democracy. Neither of our political parties represent a theocracy. Check with the Iranian constitution if you want to get an understanding of a theocracy. Yes, I have read both political platforms. I chose one of the subjects of interest to the Christian community.